… and why you should avoid it (Spoiler: Fear the Dark Side of Users)

Think about it for a second: who do you think engages the most most on social media posts?
Let’s go even one step further: Who do you think has the most interest in engaging the most on Facebook?
Spammers, Scammers & Keyboard Warriors

If we wanted to make a crazy categorisation of the internet user, we could simply subdivide them as follows:
- Normal internet users like you and us (some more chatty than others)
- Spammers
- Scammers
- Keyboard Warriors
No judgment here. Obviously this extreme categorisation serves only to help highlight the fact, that the latter category has in fact a significant higher post engagements as the former.
Which brings us to the Post Engagement type for Engagement campaigns which then attract mainly these users who:
1) Use the space of the internet to sponsorize their products in an inappropriate space (spammers)
2. Try to get hold of your credit card number (scammers) or
3. Unleash their mighty wrath upon your post (keyboard warriors)
High Engagement Users and the Facebook Algorithm

The folks at Facebook try their best to filter and moderate this kind of behaviour but unfortunately, the Facebook Algorithm sometimes categorises these users into “high engagement” groups that are especially targeted through your Engagement campaign.
Obviously this does not occur with 100% percent of our audience but when using the Engagement campaign objective we have seen a clear tendency of this happening.
Not 100% convinced? Then try the Engagement campaign for yourself and keep an eye on the comment section.
Hiding Comments, Removing from Page Likes and Blocking/Banning Users
When facing the problem of moderating the first inappropriate comments on your ads and posts, this little option might come in handy:
There are a couple of ways you can get in charge of comments:
1. In the Facebook Ads Manager, go to the ad view and select the ad which has achieved some comments in the metrics column —> go to the edit section of the ad and go to the preview settings —> select “see post with comments” —> Once you are on the post with the comments as a page admin, you can see 3 dots next to the post where you will have the option to hide, delete or report the comment.

2. From the Facebook Home page, as an admin you will notice the page’s inbox on the left hand side —> Click on it and in the bottom left corner go to the section “comments and more” —> Once you are on the post with the comments as a page admin, you can see 3 dots next to the post where you will have the option to hide, delete or report the comment.

3. Lastly, if you are faced with the situation where users have definitely crossed the line, you can also block them from the page by banning them: On your Facebook Page as an admin, go to the settings section —> Go to the section “People and Other Pages” —> on the top of the page section, select from the dropdown menu the option “Banned People and Page” —> click on the button “+ Ban a Person”

Content is King : The Alternative to Using the Post Engagement Function

We have given the reasons why we see the “post engagement” type of the Engagement campaign objective mainly as a low quality solution for increasing your comments.
Although there is not a clear campaign alternative to the Engagement campaign objective, we have seen over the course of time that the ads or posts receiving a high number of comments can be linked to factors outside the right campaign choice.
The most important factor affecting post engagement still remains in our opinion the choice and quality of content.
Reviewing your content plan can range from improving the choice of post topics, up to working on your headline, description, CTA button image and text in image used in the ad. This will in turn give your post engagement a good engagement boost

That’s already all for today.
Did you have the same experiences with your engagement campaign objective?
Want to share your story?
Then let us know in the comment section below !
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