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Getting crazy about Facebook ads not converting !?!
- Written by Marcello
- 5 min read

After working 3 years with online ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google and LinkedIn, we can tell that every company has a different ongoing situation with their online ads performance.
The internet is loaded with comments from users who tried Facebook ads for a couple of days or weeks only to stop because no immediate results were achieved.
The right setup and strategy are therefore key for playing the Facebook ads game with a positive ROI.
This is why we put together the 7 most frequently and recurring reasons why Facebook ads are not converting.
Here is the list:
Not All Funnel Phases Are Covered

Not all funnel stages have to be covered solely through Facebook Ads, although it is possible and recommended.
Just make sure they are covered so there is enough flow of users between the TOFU, to the MOFU up to the BOFU stage.
Wrong Proportion of Ad Spend on Each Funnel Phase

This point links directly to point 1:
Ideally you should spend 70% of your budget on TOFU ads, 20% on MOFU ads and 10% on BOFU ads.
Wrong Campaign Type for Business Goal

Each campaign type has its own specific goal and connected metric.
If you are using for example the reach campaign as a way to directly increase your purchases there is something wrong with your strategy.
Expecting results too quickly (specially if you are just starting up your online presence)

Depending on the level of online presence your company has currently reached on the internet, it can take from a couple of weeks up to 3 months to find the right configuration for Facebook ads in your niche to deliver steady and predictable results.
That’s not to say that results cannot be achieved within a week, if your company is already up and running and just needs some proper tweaks to ad campaigns.
Advertisement Budget Too Low (Aka: It Takes Money To Make Money)

In order to get a sufficient amount of data from your online ads, that you can then analyze and improve upon, you need to spend a minimum amount of budget.
Ideally, this amount does not go below €500 to €800 a month for a consecutive period of 90 days.
Campaign, Audience and Content are Not Aligned Properly

In this case, you want to make sure the general marketing rule of “right message to right person at the right time” is applied.
Asking yourself the following questions can help:
- Is the campaign type I’m using, pushing the right KPIs?
- Is this specific audience I’m targeting interested in this specific product ?
- Does the content I am showing the audience highlight the benefits of my product/service and does it address pain points?
Landing Page Speed Too Low

Specially when directing users onto your website and away from the native ad platform, the loading time of your website becomes a crucial factor.
Ideally your website should be able to load under 3 seconds on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
Keep in mind: when running ads, users time and their attention span are your enemies.
Think for a second about all the moments during the day, where you take out your phone to just quickly “check things”: right after waking up in the morning, before leaving home or office, before catching the bus or during a lunch break.
During these time spans, your time is compressed to gathering and accessing as much information as possible with the least amount of effort and friction.
If the website loads slowly, user oftentimes won’t be patient enough to wait and will take their business elsewhere.
To prevent this from happening following countermeasures can help:
- Checking your website’s loading time
- Leaving the user journey on the native platform
Finally, try to look specifically at the ad KPIs for clues:
The landing page view to outbound clicks ratio determines if there is a significant discrepancy between users clicking on your outbound ads and loading the landing page.
Just confront the numbers: If out of 100 users doing an outbound click, only 30 land on the links destination, there is definitely a problem.

So here we are: Although there are plenty more reasons why the online advertisement performance on Facebook may not satisfactory, those are the 7 most common.
Did we miss any reasons?
Would you like to add some?
Then let us know in the comment section below!
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